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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Facts of the Day #25

1. These are kind of more facts of yesterday.

2. I totally fell asleep today when I was doing homework yesterday...I definitely didn't get enough sleep the night before because I was doing a lit assignment. 

3. My school is playing assassin!  We're killing each other off with squirt guns, and the last person standing wins...I'm probably going to lose.

4. I totally had perfect winged eyeliner yesterday:

awk pics...I had just woken up from my nap!

I think I'll do a video on how to do winged eyeliner soon, since it was requested on my giveaway video.

5. If you haven't entered my giveaway yet, do it!

Make sure to comment on the actual video page rather than this blog post

6. And here's how I did my hair.  It kind of reminds me of Princess Jasmine, and possibly Clove's hairstyle in the arena.

It's kind of an awkward picture, but I think you get the idea.

7. I love carrots.  End of story.

Actually...that's a pretty odd note to end a post on.  So, I love eating carrots.  They're yummy and healthy :)

8. I'm having such issues choosing how I want to do my hair and makeup and nails for prom!  Plus I need to film some prom videos for YouTube.  And edit three that I have on my computer right now!  And film a bajillion more video ideas that I have written down.  (10 videos!)  And all the videos you are all suggesting on my giveaway video!  I love all the ideas :)  I can only film 3-4 videos on a good day though, so I feel like I'm getting a little behind...

9. I was watching ANTM last week and I just had to take a screen shot of this:

It looks like Laura's head is floating! Hahahahaaaa....

The end :)

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